Silvertip Shark
Common Name: Silvertip Shark
Scientific Name: Carcharhinus albimarginatus
Size: Up to 3.0m
Found in: Indian Ocean from the Red Sea to Southern Africa. In the Pacific from Japan to Australia and across to Columbia. Also found at Cocos Island. Prefer offshore islands and coral reef habitats.
Population Status: Near Threatened (IUCN 2011)

Tooth Shape:
Diet includes pelagic and demersal fishes, rays, cephalopods and other small sharks.
Viviparous - Females give birth to 1-11 pups every 2 years. Pups are born around 63-68cm after a gestation of around 12 months.
Interesting Facts:
Identified by White tips on trailing margins of dorsal, pectoral and caudal fins. Stocky body. Grey to bluish grey upper body. Underside pale.
This species is threatened by population decrease due to bycatch, especially as a result of commercial tuna fishing.
Sadly, the Silvertip Shark is also at risk from unregulated finning in areas around Northern Australia.
‘Economically important sharks and rays of Indonesia’, W.T White et al. 2006
Diet includes pelagic and demersal fishes, rays, cephalopods and other small sharks.
Viviparous - Females give birth to 1-11 pups every 2 years. Pups are born around 63-68cm after a gestation of around 12 months.
Interesting Facts:
Identified by White tips on trailing margins of dorsal, pectoral and caudal fins. Stocky body. Grey to bluish grey upper body. Underside pale.
This species is threatened by population decrease due to bycatch, especially as a result of commercial tuna fishing.
Sadly, the Silvertip Shark is also at risk from unregulated finning in areas around Northern Australia.
‘Economically important sharks and rays of Indonesia’, W.T White et al. 2006