Specialised features of Sharks - Shape
The basic shape of a typical shark is a ‘fusiform’ shape, which is a streamlined torpedo shape. Pointed at the front and tapered towards the back.
This allows fast and efficient movement through water (which is much denser than air) with minimal friction or drag.
Shape is a very important factor for marine predators.
The basic shape of a typical shark is a ‘fusiform’ shape, which is a streamlined torpedo shape. Pointed at the front and tapered towards the back.
This allows fast and efficient movement through water (which is much denser than air) with minimal friction or drag.
Shape is a very important factor for marine predators.
Not all sharks are fusiform in shape, for example Wobbegong and Angel sharks have a much more dorsally flattened body. These species are better adapted to lying on the ocean floor waiting for prey to swim past.
Updated 2014