Port Jackson Shark
Common Names: Port Jackson Shark
Scientific Name: Heterodontus portusjacksoni
Size: Up to 1.4m
Found: Endemic to Australia - found from Southern Queensland south towards Tasmania, Southern Australia and mid Western Australia.
Population Status: Low Risk of becoming vulnerable to extinction (IUCN 2007)

Tooth Shape:
Port Jackson teeth are modified into crushing plates.

Oviparous - Egg Layers
Females use their mouth to wedge the egg into rock crevices to keep it safe during its development.
Eggs hatch after approx. 9-12 months
Interesting Facts:
Port Jackson sharks are normally found in tropical and temperate waters in depths normally less than 100m, but can sometimes be found as deep as 275m.
Port Jackson Sharks inhabit rocky environments on or near the bottom. But may also be found in muddy and sandy areas, or where seagrass occurs. They usually feed on sea urchins, molluscs, crustaceans and small fish.
They have a small spine on the front edge of each of their dorsal fins.