Nervous Shark
Common Names: Nervous Shark
Scientific Name: Carcharhinus cautus
Size: Up to 1.5m
Found : Western Pacific (southern New Guinea, Solomon Islands), Northern Australia and Western Australia
Population Status: Data Deficient - There is no data on the populations of this species. (IUCN 2008)

Feed on Bony fishes and possibly crustaceans and cephalopods.
Viviparous with yolksac placenta (gives birth to live young). Nervous sharks reach maturity between 4-6 years. Litter size between 1 and 5 pups and a gestation period of 8 to 9 months. Size at birth between 35 and 40 cm.
Interesting Facts:
Can be very timid and skittish when approached.
Populations may be threatened by commercial fisheries.
Feed on Bony fishes and possibly crustaceans and cephalopods.
Viviparous with yolksac placenta (gives birth to live young). Nervous sharks reach maturity between 4-6 years. Litter size between 1 and 5 pups and a gestation period of 8 to 9 months. Size at birth between 35 and 40 cm.
Interesting Facts:
Can be very timid and skittish when approached.
Populations may be threatened by commercial fisheries.