Great White Shark
Common Names: Great White Shark, White Shark, White Pointer
Scientific Name: Carcharodon carcharias
Size: Av. 4-5m. Max size 6.5m
Found: Worldwide along continental margins of temperate and some tropical seas.
Population Status: Vulnerable to Extinction (IUCN 2007)

Tooth Shape:
Great White teeth are triangular in shape with serratededges for tearing. Their main food sources are seals, marine mammals and sometimes larger fish species.
Ovoviviparous - Egg sacs develop and hatch inside the mother, young are then born live. Females can give birth to 7-9 pups measuring around 1.5m at birth.
It is thought that Great White Sharks only give birth 4-6 times during their life. Juveniles can take 10-12 years to reach maturity.
Interesting Facts:
Great White Sharks can reach speeds of up to 25mph and can weigh up to 3 tonne.
Great Whites can have around 3000 teeth at any one time.
After a large meal, a Great White can go without food for up to 2 months.
Great White teeth are triangular in shape with serratededges for tearing. Their main food sources are seals, marine mammals and sometimes larger fish species.
Ovoviviparous - Egg sacs develop and hatch inside the mother, young are then born live. Females can give birth to 7-9 pups measuring around 1.5m at birth.
It is thought that Great White Sharks only give birth 4-6 times during their life. Juveniles can take 10-12 years to reach maturity.
Interesting Facts:
Great White Sharks can reach speeds of up to 25mph and can weigh up to 3 tonne.
Great Whites can have around 3000 teeth at any one time.
After a large meal, a Great White can go without food for up to 2 months.